Welcome back to #WorkoutWednesday
It's great to see so many of you joining in the Skype workouts, I'm just getting them set up on Zoom as well. So if you're a Zoom user let em know and I will give you the Meeting ID and password.
I've edited together another couple of workouts for you. A simple body weight HIIT and a core workout too. There will be more to follow over the next couple of days.
HIIT video
A simple home HIIT workout you can do with zero equipment -
Core Workout
A simple and effective core workout for you to try.
I will get another couple of core workouts done next before a big workout with Cardio, Core and Weights.
Core Workout
"So, you’re sat at home thinking you haven’t quite reached those fitness goals you’d set out to achieve. But when it comes down to it, you just don’t know where to start. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!
Using just your body weight or the furniture at home, there’s something for everyone." Andy Griffiths
Click the link for - 17 exercises with minimal equipment
See you back here for #FoodFriday