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Workout Wednesday No.14


Welcome back to #WorkoutWednesday

EMOM workout

Using a combination of videos from YouTube here's a full workout for you to do from home using yourself an some form of exercise mat, rug, towel.

At the end check out the links for some family fun garden games and the OS Map pack for planning your outdoor adventures post lock down.

Get yourself warmed up with 3-4 minutes gentle exercise building your heart rate up to 7-10 RPE - walking - jogging on the spot - high knees - heel flicks etc. Then give yourself a minute or two for dynamic stretching to get the synovial fluid flowing around your joints.

Each video below is a full lap of the overall circuit, have a minute drink break between each video.

Exercise 1

Jumping Lunges 50 reps (increase of decrease reps to match your ability, switch to Rebound Lateral Lunges if needed.

Exercise 2

Press Ups 15 reps, again increase of decrease to match your ability. Try different style Press Ups each lap if you wish.

Exercise 3

Squat to Knee Drives 15 reps each side within each minute.

Exercise 4

Froggies 20 reps each minute. Try Corkscrew each lap if you wanted to give your obliques a work along with your abs.

Cool Down & Stretch

Have a walk around your house or garden for a few minutes to help lower your heart rate back to resting levels and grab a drink too. Then give yourself a good stretch, holding each stretch for 30 seconds per muscle. (A basic stretching video if needed)


If you're wanting some family fun in the garden check out the Garden Games at All Outdoors.

Get yourself sorted for life after lock down with a year or OS Maps, get planning yuor walking, cycling and running routes with loads of detail.

See you back here for #FoodFriday


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