Welcome back to #WorkoutWednesday
This week I've got for you
- HIIT workout #11 thanks to Ms.Moss and her little ones.
- Fitness Challenge
- Spell Your Name
HIIT workout #11
This workout is thanks to Colette and her family. They have been doing all the YouTube videos during lock down and selected their favourite exercises, yes you read it correct favourite.
Burpees - Burps
Mountain Climber - Vertical Mountain Climber
Criss Cross Squats - Floor Tap Squat Jacks
Fast Feet - Star Jumps
Get ready for double trouble!
Fitness Challenge
I will set you a different challenge for the next three weeks. It will be a fun way to clock up some miles, earn some MEPs and get some fresh air. You can run, walk or cycle the challenge and this one is first because I know you can't go in just yet!
It's time for an Ilson Glowsticks Pub Crawl!
- You've got a 60 minute time limit.
- Run, Walk, Cycle to as many Pubs as possible and take a selfie! (bonus point for The Newdigate.)
- Send me your photos and screenshot of your route by Tuesday 16th. I will create a collage of all your efforts.
- All the results will be in next weeks Workout Wednesday blog along with your next challenge.
Remember to follow social distancing rules while taking on the challenge.
Spell Your Name
Add this to your next workout, spell your full name or exercise the names of everybody in your house pets included. If you wish to make it a bigger workout add the following topical words - Coronavirus , Pandemic, Lockdown, Social Distancing, Track and Trace.
Next week I will give you a few happier words to exercise.

If there's any specific exercise, stretch, workout style you would like to see on my YouTube let me know.
See you back here for #FoodFriday