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Welcome to my blog

Workout Wednesday No.20


Hello again on #WorkoutWednesday

This week your legs will need some energy.

- Shoulder Mobility

- HIIT Circuit 12

- Prisoner Lunges

- Fitness Challenge results and the last challenge for now.

Enjoy your exercise


Shoulder Mobility

Shoulder mobility drills in case you're feeling a little bit tight in those areas from spending lock down at a desk for virtual meetings.


HIIT Circuit 12

This is a leg heavy workout so make sure you're warmed up and ready to go.


Prisoner Lunge

Get those hands behind your head, torso upright and lunge!


NEW Fitness Challenge

I'm setting you a little treasure hunt or i-spy mission this week. How many of the following can you capture?

  • A landmark

  • A monument/statue

  • River/Canal/Brook

  • A tree all on it's own in a field

  • 2 different animals (no pets)

  • A stile

  • Photo of your muddy/clean trainers

  • A happy post exercise selfie

9 photos in total for the perfect collage.

- You've got a 60 minute time limit.

- Run, Walk, Cycle to streets to spell your name.

- Send me your photos and screenshot of your route by Tuesday 7th. I will create a collage of all your efforts.

- All the results will be in next weeks Workout Wednesday blog.

Remember to follow social distancing rules while taking on the challenge.


Spell Your Name Challange

Jo took on the challenge around West Hallam and I was informed she got a few funny looks along the way. Don't worry Jo I've not seen anybody on Spotted West Hallam talking about the lady taking photos with street signs.

Brilliant work Jo, a fantastic effort.

With the help of Google maps I planned my route finding all the streets required all located close together. I managed to blast out the challenge in around 25 minutes. No funny looks for me as it was a bit of a drizzly moring.


If there's any specific exercise, stretch, workout style you would like to see on my YouTube let me know.

See you back here for #FoodFriday


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