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Welcome to my blog

Workout Wednesday No.26


Hello again on #WorkoutWednesday

2020 Inter-Facility Challenge is here!

Which 2020 topical team are you in?


Toilet Roll


2m Rule

Plus a Fitness Bingo to help you earn those MEPs for your team.

New Patreon Information


2020 Inter-Facility Challenge

You're split between four teams going against each other for 2 weeks. The winners from each group then go against each other to see who is the grand champion. The other two teams play for pride and 3rd place.

First Round - Monday 19th October - Sunday 1st November

2m rule v Anti-Bac

Toilet Roll v Masks

Final Round - Monday 9th November - Sunday 22nd November

Line up TBC

How to get your team points? It's all about your MEPs! Your teams average MEPs during the two weeks is what matters. Blue-Red zones count, so go for it at group classes, blast out my YouTube workouts, join me for Run Talk Run, or try and complete the workout bingo below.


Fitness Bingo

You have until the end of the month to fill in as many spaces as possible.



There's loads of new links on Patreon, 7 workouts for Gold Patrons, and 5 workouts for Silver Patrons. A new workout for Gold will be uploaded by Friday.

I've also set up Discord for all Patrons. This is a private forum/chatroom with loads of health and fitness topics. You can add voice messages or type in the chat. I will regularly update topics and add extra information. This is all something I never thought I would be doing but it's ensuring no matter what happens going forward there's a way for me to train you, communicate and keep a real good fitness family vibe going. Hopefully a few of you give it a try soon to see everything that's available.

Don't forget there's currently a special welcome offer for Silver and Gold patrons.


Happy Exercise

See you back here for #FoodFriday


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