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Workout Wednesday No.28


Hello again on #WorkoutWednesday

2020 Inter-Facility Challenge round 2 results and a bonus round.

Run Talk Run & Walk Talk Walk

Fitness On Demand


2020 Inter-Facility Challenge

Second Round - done, the winners are 👇

2m Rule v Toilet Roll - Winners = 2m Rule

Anti-Bac v Masks - Winners = Anti-Bac

We're now 2 rounds down and I'm giving you a bonus round. So far we have the following results

2m Rule - 2 wins - 6 points

Toilet Roll - 1 win - 3 points

Anti-Bac - 1 win - 3 points

Masks - 0 wins - 0 points

I'm doing one final competition with all 4 teams against each other to celebrate lockdown 2.0 coming to an end.

This will run from Monday 30th November to the Sunday 13th December. Hopefully it helps you get your MEPs early in the month so we can relax a little bit at Christmas. The team who finish top will earn 4 points, going down to the 4th team eacning 1 point. Then there are bonus poits up for grabs too. The top 5 inidiuals will also get 5-4-3-2-1 points from top to 5th.

There's a lot to play for so get out there and earn those MEPs.


Run Talk Run & Walk Talk Walk

I can't wait to get Run Talk Run back post lockdown and it's thrilled to announce I will be setting up Walk Talk Walk too. I just need to figure out the timetable so I can fit everything into the week. Run Talk Run - A free 5km jog every Wednesday evening. We go at a steady pace to stik together as a socially distanced group and have a good chat. If anything is on your mind let it out! It's a safe space to open up in the fresh air with your fitness family.

Walk Talk Walk - This will be a fre 3-5km walk every week. Again it's about getting some fresh air, having a good chatter and opening up if there's something bothering you. This makes the safe space accessible to those who can't or don't run.

Both sessions are booked on the MyCrew app and I will be getting the sessions to the end of the year on the app asap.


Fitness On Demand

I'm loving how much the Patrons are enjoying their workout videos. It's an amazing way to train with me at a time that fits around your work, family, lifestyle. There's three different tiers with various content.

Bronze - £2 per month - At least 1 new workout every month plus extras.

Silver - £10 per month - At least 2 new workout videos a month plus extras.

Gold - £20 per month - At least 4 new workout videos a month plus extras.

Thre's no contracts so you can sign up for a month to try it out, or jump between different tiers each month.


If you've got any questions let me know


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