Hello again on #WorkoutWednesday
Which team are the Inter-Facility Grand Champions?
A new challenge for the New Year
2020 Inter-Facility Challenge
Scores on the doors after 2 rounds 👇
2m Rule - 2 wins - 6 points
Toilet Roll - 1 win - 3 points
Anti-Bac - 1 win - 3 points
Masks - 0 wins - 0 points
Final Round team scores
2m Rule - 1252 MEPs average = 4 points
Toilet Roll - 953 MEPs average = 3 points
Masks - 872 MEPs average = 2 points
AntiBac - 707 MEPs average = 1 point
Individual bonus points
Darbs (2m rule) - 3056 MEPs = 5 points
Jimmy (2m rule) - 2234 MEPs = 4 points
MangTow (Masks) - 2154 MEPs = 3 points
SamSmi (AntiBac) - 1944 MEPs = 2 points
TommyD (Toilet Roll) - 1624 MEPs = 1 point
Grand Final Scores
2m Rule = 19 points
Toilet Roll = 7 points
AntiBac = 6 points
Masks = 5 points
Congratulations to everybody who took part. I hope this helped drive you during lockdown 2.0 and early December to reach your MEPs goals.
New Year Challenge
I'm going to buddy all MyZone uses at the facility up so you can help keep each other motivated in January. It's all about average MEPs of your duo, so message each other encouragement, congratulate each others workouts, and Smash those MEPs!
The buddies will be based on the December leader board so get earning as many as you can before New Years Eve.
If you've got any questions let me know