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Welcome to my blog

Workout Wednesday No.6


Welcome back to #WorkoutWednesday

I've gone a little different this week. You might have noticed I send you to specific Instagram accounts on a regular basis for information. This is because those accounts are brilliant! They're either full of very good and accurate exercise information with great technique, really motivational or just out right worth a follow accounts.

So today I'm giving you the run down of my favourite social media accounts to look at when you're in need of motivation or improving your exercises.


No.1 - Achieve Fitness Boston

I would like to think I've referenced these on many occasions by now. Well it's because Jason and Lauren Pak are brilliant!

Their Instagram account is pure exercise gold. The teaching points and technique used are the best I've found on any social media platform. Their podcasts are really informative and fun to listen to.


No.2 - ErgWod

ErgWod put out brilliant teaching points for using the Concept equipment from the Rower to the Bikeerg and Skierg.

I'm constantly referencing their teaching points at group classes and showing 1-2-1 clients their posts to help improve your technique, range of movement and power output on the cardio equipment.


No.3 - Assault Fitness

"Home of the AirBike Classic, AirBike Elite and AirRunner. Earn Your Victories."

You've been made to sweat with these posts in the past. Double Trouble is one of my favourites to push/punish you with.


No.4 - AKR Fitness

"Energising Life with Intelligent Health & Fitness. The home of small group personal training in Aberdeen, Scotland."

They're very similar to us, they're a great bunch of people who love making exercise fun to clients, the have MyZone and a small private gym for all sessions.


No.5 - Orla Fox Sports Massage

Orla has visited my studio a few times now and everybody has loved (with a grimace on their face) their massages. She's new to the industry and is making a great impression, she's really friendly, knowledgeable and great at her job. Keep an eye out on my newsletters in the new year as she will be back again if you've missed out this year.

Give her Facebook page a follow and leave her a review to let the rest of Derbyshire know about what she has to offer.


No.6 - My Protein

Technically not a social media link but the blog within their website is packed full of interesting articles for all types of gym goers. There are links to their YouTube for exercise videos to back up the information. Don't be put off by their name, it's far more than protein shakes, if that's all they offered I wouldn't be sending you there.


See you back here for #FoodFriday


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